Payl8r eligibility header Payl8r eligibility header Payl8r eligibility header Payl8r eligibility header Payl8r eligibility header Payl8r eligibility header Payl8r eligibility header Payl8r eligibility header Payl8r eligibility header


Let's see if you meet the minimum

criteria for a loan. Ready to go?

Please select one option. Valid first name is required. Valid last name is required.

Nice to meet you,

Payl8r wave hand

Are you over 18?
You need to be 18+ for any Payl8r loan product.
What is your email address?

Valid email is required.

I agree with the T&Cs and Privacy Policy, and I am also happy for Payl8r to contact me re loan products.

Please indicate that you have read and agree to the T&Cs and Privacy Policy.

How much do you want to borrow?
£ Please insert an amount in the range from £ 100 to £1000.

What is your residential status?
Payl8r homeowner unselected Payl8r homeowner selected
Payl8r private rental unselected Payl8r private rental selected
Payl8r council tenant unselected Payl8r council tenant selected
Payl8r with parents unselected Payl8r with parents selected
Please select one option.

What's your job status?
Please select one option.
What's your take home pay?
£ Please insert a valid amount greater or equal than £0

Monthly rent or mortgage payments?
£ Please insert a valid amount greater or equal than £0.
What are your essential monthly outgoings?

(Utility bills, childcare, food, phone, internet, car finance, loans, subscriptions, ect.)

£ Please insert a valid amount greater or equal than £0.

Do you have any defaults on your credit file?
Please select one option.
When was your last CCJ?
Please select one option.

One sec, just crunching

the numbers.

Payl8r stopwatch

Well, this is awkward...

a few technical difficulties.

Sorry for that!

Payl8r outcome